People say one of the most important things in life is to have genuine friends. Well, I am lucky then, because I have two! Two completely different yet amazing four legged friends.
Tosia, who is becoming more sedate with age, is extremely empathetic. She has helped me through the most difficult period in my life. Like a rainbow in a stormy sky, she always brings me peace, relief and good energy.
Azula is a volcan of energy. She completed our family, bringing a lot of joy and fun. She has a wisdom and carelessness in her at the same time and shares it with everyone around her, making every day better.
It is impossible not to love these two beings who give so much, expect nothing in return and accept everything with unfeigned gratitude. I wish everyone had the opportunity to experience such unconditional love in their life as I experience with my beloved dogs.
- Natalia Z